Anne-Marie Main



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  • Theresa Happe

    Hi Ann-Marie, thank you for joining. For your own safety, you might want to remove your street address. I don't want a scammer to take advantage of you. Terri
  • kathy hoffman

    Red Ribbon
  • Courtney Wood

    Thanks so much! I have 2 little girls who love birthday cakes! Just try to fit their themes each year---it's really fun too for their Mom too :)
  • Lauri Myers

    I wish it was Pink...
  • Gaby

    =D thank you Anne, my older brother is a drawdesigner and he helps me so much in making it.
    I already did the marshmallow character pops I will submit the photo in an hour.
  • Fran Quarles

    Thank you for the nice comments and adding me as a friend. Your work is very cool, especially the skateboard. :-)
  • Stampinsher

    Your cupcakes, cakes and cookies are adorable! I love your photographs and all of your creations. The vase with flowers are made with what? They look so real!!! Okay, you are giving me more confidence. All I have to do is Do It! Thanks for sharing.
  • Tara's Cakes

    Thank you for your kind words. I hope to get better & better. I also hope to be able to do toppers like yours. I loved you cakes, you are very talented.
  • Melissa D. Payne

    No unfortunatly I am at work and then i am going to get my hair done and then I will be able to go home and open the box!!! I will be sure to make a cake tomorrow and send you pics and tell you how it is.
  • Theresa Happe

    Yeah, congratulations on the birth of your new cricut. Actually, when you were doing the countdown, originally I thought you were giving birth!
  • Theresa Happe

    Well, I have a cat named cupcake. It is an endearing term, after all.
  • Connie DeGood

    I am not very computer savy where do I need to go to see the pictures
  • jeri c

    Ann Marie... I just hope to share what I know (which sometimes I feel like is very little) with others. When I started 32 years ago... there was no internet... no one at all to ask questions and if you found someone they wanted to charge you for their knowledge.... Anyway... I vowed that if I could ever help someone else... I would. I love being able to give what little wisdom I have! My methods are sometimes a little different I've never taken a class... just taught myself so I do things my own way and they seem to work ok!
  • jeri c

    Oh... and thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it!
  • Leslie Johnson

    Red Ribbon
  • Debbie Caryl

    Hi Anne-Marie! So glad to meet you! We've been in White Lake for 5 years now, before that Waterford. We love it out here! How long have been creating cakes?
  • Debbie Caryl

    There are so many lakes out here!! I know about where your Dad lives. We live off Bogie Lake Rd. The housing market is bad out here too! We had thought about moving to the Carolina's but have decided to wait a few years in hopes that the market recovers. So a few more years of snow!!!!
  • Debbie Caryl

    Red Ribbon
  • Deb

    Hi Anne-Marie.

    I'm sorry that I have been Missing in action on here lately. I just finished a wedding cake- favors-invites...yada yada lol for my nephew last week..Which turned out to be the same weekend my son and his new wife announced that they would be leaving MI in 2 Lifes been nuts..around here.... but I'm so ready to start doing some more with the flowers :) I'm addicted to gum paste :) if I recall you actually live near by :) this is a plus!!!....I'm pretty much self taught myself, and with the exception of some gum paste roses that I made a few years ago I only started this spring making my other flowers. I would love to get together with you and show you what I do know and go from there if you like? My goal is to teach this in the near future..:) who knows maybe you might like to join me :) Please drop me a line at and I will give you my number and maybe we can hook up real soon :)

  • Debbie Caryl

    Hey there! I did go south for the class BUT had car problems in Kentucky and had to miss the class with Linda McClure. They were very nice about it and I rescheduled the class for October in PA. I was very disappointed about missing it. Otherwise, I have been very busy with cakes in June. How about you? Have you been decorating some cakes?
  • Theresa Happe

    Hi Anne-Marie, Had a great weekend at the Mass. ICES event. Just trying to get caught up on all the emails I got bombarded with. How's work going?
  • Debbie Caryl

    Your job sounds like it's alot of fun! What a great one to have! My cake business has been slowly getting busier. I have been told it takes on average 2-3 years before a cake business can really blossom! I'm only at a year and a half. But I totally love creating cakes. I really would love to have a licensed kitchen. I guess that is next to impossible in Michigan. Plan 2 would be to work in a bakery. Time will tell. Today I'm trying to make a gumpaste tiara. Wish me luck!!
  • Deb

    Hi Anne-Marie,

    Summer sure has got a lot of us MIA these day :) busy baking I'm sure :) I dropped a line to you last Saturday..let me know if you got it OK? if not, I'll re-send.

  • Kelly Burgess

    thank you so much! and thank you for your comment
  • Carla Pratt

    sorry it took me a few to figure out how to reply back this is not as easy as some other sites.....if you can give me your email i can email it easier. my email is i have it scanned and saved into my computer.
  • Carla Pratt

    Anne-Marie ! Please tell me that i sent you the fondant recipe ! i have been very sick since the beginning of July and just got out of the hospital on July 16th ! sorry i just do not remember if i sent it to you !! i hope i did !!