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  • Nicki Anderson

    Hi Tanya, Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. How long did you live in Melbourne for? I was born in and grew up in Melbourne. My husband's job recently took us to Vancouver for 3 years. That was quite an experience. That is where my interest in baking really took off. I joined a cake decorating site and did Wilton classes. Now, I am back in Melbourne, and I have had to change how I make cakes a bit as the ingredients are so different. France would be a lovely place to live. Do you do much baking? Regards, Nicki.
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  • Nicki Anderson

    Nicki Anderson said… Hi Tanya, Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. How long did you live in Melbourne for? I was born in and grew up in Melbourne. My husband's job recently took us to Vancouver for 3 years. That was quite an experience. That is where my interest in baking really took off. I joined a cake decorating site and did Wilton classes. Now, I am back in Melbourne, and I have had to change how I make cakes a bit as the ingredients are so different. France would be a lovely place to live. Do you do much baking? Regards, Nicki
  • Rach

    Hi Tanya, Haha yeah maybe we should!! Yeah I live in London, been caking for about 6 months now, just in the middle of an intensive royal icing diploma. Royal icing a cake for the first time is hard!!! haha... are you a newbie like me?
  • Tanya

    Hi Rach, yes I am a newbie to this site and very interesting it is too! royal icing yep never done that!!! some things are hard at first so don't be put off.
    Where in London? are you at college doing your diploma? I can't make a cake to save my life so I make toppers instead that was difficult too when I started, stuck myself to the table several times.
    shall we start a group for the English? I can start the ball rolling if you like you can be the first member ?
    what other things do you like to do? keep in touch
  • Tanya

    Hi Asmi, thanks for your mail.
    It's good to see such colour combinations as you use, I have not been to Pakistan but I have an interest in textiles so am aware of the rich strong colours that surround you.
    How many in your family?
  • Edna De la Cruz

    Thanks for the complements! and the add!
  • Edna De la Cruz

    Love the crowns!
  • Edna De la Cruz

    Beautiful, I just went to the link. You are in UK?
  • caroline broadhed

    hi Tanya
    i would love to join please send me the link.
  • ann pallett

    Hi Tanya, sorry I,ve commented in the wrong place, if you want to go to my page it's at the bottom.....sorry lol, I'll get the hang of this soon
  • JRW

    Tanya, your pieces are incredibly beautiful! Your slideshow is captivating!
  • ann pallett

    Hi Tanya, I've googled Andrea Webster and I can't seem to view her cakes for some reason, there is just one I can see with paste drapped all over it.
    I will always paint on my cakes, I find it easier, Most people use a ready made sugar paste and it contains a small amount of fat and dosen't take very well to being painted. I make my own paste. I do have to be careful when rolling out that I don't use too much cornflour because this affects the paint also if the paste is a little dry this can affect it too, as you can see on the cake that I took inspiration from your topper the paint has bled slightly.
    When designing cakes I look for inspiration every where, cards, wrapping paper advertising anything really although most of the time I seem to be making spongebob's and Mickey mouses!!!!
    You know what it's like I'm sure. Nice talking to you Ann
  • Tanya

    Ann did you click on the drawing? I have just been there and it looks ok to me?
    Ann, would you be interested in making a dummy cake using one of my toppers? reason ( apart from the fact that I admire your cakes a great deal) is the runout thing! as you probably realise by now I am going to supply runout templates with some of my topper designs these will match the topper so the topper design can be continued over the cake. I think these will be useful to cake makers? I cannot do runouts myself but I would like to be able to show the way they work on my website
    What do you think?
    any comments valued.Tanya
  • ann pallett

    ohhhhh yes, silly me, I love her designs, really different. I've just looked at Authenticake and Wild Cakes too, that are featured in your pics. Wild cakes feature amazing sculpted cakes which I personally think is one of the hardest things to do.
    Well I'm really flattered that you have asked me to do this. personally when I do runouts I prefer to do them free hand this is my own choice but I think some people would find them useful.
    I'll have a think about doing a dummy for you, at the moment I'm really busy, not too sure when I'd do it. leave it with me
    oohhhh and whats the weather like in France, heard a big storm is heading your way, hope your ok
  • Tanya

    Hi Ann, I realise you are busy no pressure.
    Helen Penman is working on a book at the moment about sculpting cakes do you know her work?
    It has been a very cold winter here the woodburner has been none stop Hugh my husband is like Casey Jones!throwing logs on like no tomorrow it's like living in a crematorium !!! we did have the tail end of the storm last night but no damage that I have noticed.We had the most fantastic summer last year started at the end of March and went on into a fab Autumn. we have a gite and last year was our best year yet with 26 weeks letting
    you can see it if you like ( not toting for business here) but it will give you an idea of where we are etc.
    www.la-maison-du-jardin.com speak soon
  • sarah hughes

    Thanks for the welcome I love making cakes I find it very relaxing just wish I had more time to spend making them! On holiday from work this week so can do some baking will post photo's when i've worked out how to up load them love the group very friendly and so willing to give tips etc xx
  • karen wall

    yeah sure dont no really what im doing just found this sight and added my photo of my cake lol
  • louise davies

    Hiya Tanya...I would love to Join do i need a link to do so? Louise x
  • louise davies

    Hiya Tanya.
    Little bit about myself..I started baking and decorating Cakes in sept as a hobby as I'm a full time stay at home mum of 2 Little ones...But it soon became an Addicition and people were asking me to make cakes for them so I deceided to start up a Business from Home...I love makin cakes it's very rewarding xx
  • Michelle Novak

    Hi Tanya,
    Well i have been decorating cakes on and off for just over ten years. I trained at Southampton City College. I love cake dec but I used to get so frustrated with myself for not being able to acheive desired results! I went full time with work and did less and less cakes. A friend of mine asked me to do her a cake about 18 months ago and it got the 'ol passion going again. So now I make more time for cakes. :) Glad to have found a group for the UK on here (I had assumed this was a UK site!), the competitons and most other things seemed to be aimed at the Americans :(
  • shaila hussein

    Thankyou for adding me tanya.I sure will..