

Epping, NH

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Donna

    Hey Jeanne,
    How are ya???? Haven't seen you around anywhere in a while. Hope business is going well for you. It is starting to pick up here in VT. Still trying to find my way around this site, but found you and felt a little more comfortable. Chat again soon. gonna go look around. Donna
  • Donna

    What happened over there anyway? I go deliver a "hearse" bday cake and come back to find a handful gone. anyway, I'm happy to see you again, how are things going? Kids doing well? I am actually jealous, I know you guys don't have snow there anymore, we still have bunches and tons of snowbanks. (Kinda sucks).
  • Theresa Happe

    Hi Jeanne, I love your cakes. They are so perfect.
  • Marie-France Jutras

    Hi Jeanne :) I just noticed you cakes and I absolutely love them! You have a wonderful eye for design and the structure of your cakes is truely amazing. I love them :) I'm looking forward to seeing more of them. I've only been making cakes for about a year but I hope to one day be able to make them as nice as yours.
  • Tara's Cakes

    Red Ribbon
  • Edna De la Cruz

    So good to see you here!!..My God you are gorgeous!!..Is good to finally put a face to the cake artist!
    Edna :)
  • Edna De la Cruz

    I will completely disagree!.. I bet you get lots of complements on your eyes! MY GOD!! you got gorgeous eyes!!!