Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

HB 1130 has been assigned to committee.

Just waiting to find out hearing date, and then I am Austin bound to show solidarity in the session chambers!

Wanna come with?



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If I get enough notice and don't already have another commitment, I'll come.  Whatever happens though I have to pick up my daughter at 2:30 every day.  Mama stuff has to come first. :)


I'm not on Facebook and never will be though so I'm not sure if I'll get told in advance enough of something happening...

No worries, Kimberly.

I will be posting updates as they become available.

It has been a few years since I even charged for my products, but I feel strongly about this issue.



Yeah I don't have a business but I sure would like to be able to safely donate cakes to Biscuit Brothers events.  My husband is getting nervous that if I keep doing that, someone will get sick for some other reason but then sue us into oblivion.


It really is ridiculous that we can't do bake sales, for pity's sake.


So definitely post stuff here and I'll get an email alert and be able to keep up with the news!  Thanks!

A very interesting turn of events!!/note...


Too good to be true, almost!


I hope I am still working in Austin on that day.

Have you contacted your state senator stressing your support of  HB 1139?

Very important to have a senate sponsor, or our cause will die in committee (AGAIN!)



Yup.  I've got Wentworth.  I tried to appeal to the freedom aspect since he's Republican.

I keep harping on jobs and the badly needed tax income for the state coffers.



Still need a Senator to sponsor a companion bill.

I am in district 18 and Senator Hegar seems to be on the fence.

Facebook update

We had a definate scheduled hearing.

Next Wednesday, April 20th.

If there is anyway you can attend, please do so.

If not, please, please fax Kelley a letter of support.

Info here...

Currently the governor of Texas has a bill sitting on his desk that would allow bakers in the state of Texas to sell their baked goods directly to the consumer, so long as proper labeling is applied. 


Please - if you want to see this pass (or even if it doesn't effect your personally but you can spare 30 seconds of your time) go the the governor's contact page and write a message or call and tell the staff member who takes messages, that you want the governor to sign SB 81. 


Here's the info you need to contact the governor's office. Thank you so much.

Call the governor and leave a message to sign "SB 81". 1-800-252-9600.
Or email a message thru the web page


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