Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

hey everybody, seems like i'm keeping this discussion forum

so my question now is, i have my first groom's cake..yah mee!! so i'm asking for some help

its a soccer/football on top of a 10 n 12inch layers


1) i need to make one of the layers dummy, cause its not to serve that many people. whih=ch would u advise

2) dowelling the cake

3) can i complete the cake on the friday before the wedding? and if so, whats the best way to store it.



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I like to start making my cakes day n a half ahead or a day before, it depends on the size and the design as well. I would do the football cake a dummy with his favorite team/ color/ logo on it. If you have a dummy cake on the bottom u will not need dowels bc the cake on top will not fall into the dummy cake. For the soccer I do not know your vision for it by just an ideaI a soccer ball cake with the logo of his team done in gumpaste and place next to it.  Hope this give you a bit of help, good luck!

I did a baseball tier cake. Check it out on my website. its not in my photo box.



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