Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi Guys


What strategies or tips were used to market your business/cake decorating services? I will keep my fingers crossed in the meantime as I await my first order. Please feel free to look at my photos and provide your honest feedback.


Views: 37

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did some call cards and passed to friends and family (approximately 3 months ago) no reponse thus far. Also, good luck on your birthday cake Kim. Please post pics

Kim Washington said:
how r these plans progressing girl?

Teneisha Williams said:
Then I will have the launch...samples and everything...special discounts and so on....
Hey All,

So I've been working on a website...I'm just doing a free one on weebly for now, and if I see that it does a good job of generating customers/interest in my business, then I'll probably upgrade. So far it's been an itneresting experience, but definitely a little frustrating to get all of the formatting etc. just right...for some reason I don't think that weebly likes my idea of formatting most of the time! LOLOL. Feel free to check it out...I'll be updating it in my spare time as I go along.

Please check me out on facebook as well! Just do a search for "CAYKE". My website is:


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