Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

My family on my mom side owned a bakery. When I was a child I loved to hang out there. I would watch everything they did. I would try to make my own cakes at home and try to remember what they did, lol.  when I came to the USA I was in my pre-teen. My dad taught me to sew and I was into that for a good while. I even made my own prom dress. I had a little business in high school making and designing pillows. I always wanted to be a fashion designer but was to afraid to leave home to go to school in New York where I got scholarship to attend.  I loved to paint, draw, sew and create awesome delicious food, especially desserts , yummy. When I stopped working and become a stay at home mom after having my first child. I brought books on cake decorating and I went from there. It become more of a passion than a hobby. I began to feel more of myself because it brought back the artist in me and I found my inner peace. I use the internet to find information on cake decorating, use youtube and join online sites. I plan have my own cake shop within two years by God's grace.    

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My Mom's side of the family are awesome cooks and bakers, and I took after them. For years, I used to do just dessert baking, but since working in the restaurant business through college, I began to really have a desire to learn cake decorating. I never really got around to doing it until near the end of last year. So many of my friends and family kept encouraging me to open a home based business because my cakes tasted so great. I figured that cake decorating was the next step, and once I got started, it was like I was hooked! Everything I've done so far has been self taught - via books, internet or videos. This is really a passion for me, and there is something so gratifying about making an edible masterpiece. I really want to do some professional classes to polish my skills, and within the next few years, I'd like to turn this into a full fledged cafe/bakery.
well i've always been a creative person, n my family are very good bakers n cooks as well. i was n still am into nails n such but thats a very saturated market here, n one day i said to my sister i should really learn to decorate cakes n d next day an ad was in the papers offering cake decorating, i did it of course with the plan to let my aunt bake the cake n i decorate them. but then one day i started baking n cake came out pretty good. so now it seems i'm more in request for the cake taste than the actual decoration. but i'm new in the business so i now very soon i'll be in higher demand.


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