Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

This discussion is for everyone to introduce themselves. Let us know where you from. I'm from High Point, North Carolina. And have been making cakes for about a year but only seriously for about 4 mnths now.

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I'm from Milan, Italy. I have always baked cakes but I have started decorating only 8 months ago. I have taken a few classes and I am practicing at home -- it's such a rewarding hobby! Hope to become good enough to be able to sell some cakes someday ;-) 

Hi my name is Maureen Makwela and I am from Johannesburg in South Africa. I have been baking for very many years but only recently took classes for decorating. Currently just for my family but long term goal is to do it fro business

Hey everyone, I'm from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I've been decorating cakes for about four years, but not really seriously. I've sold a few cakes to acquaintances and bake whenever I can. I dream of a big kitchen and many more decorating tools to play around with!

 I am Deana (Dena) and I live in Texas in a small town called Forestburg but getting ready to move to Mineral Wells.   I have decided today as a matter of fact to start learning a new craft. My family likes Cupcakes so thought i would start there and work my way up into bigger cakes.  I love looking at all the cakes that are out there and the fun cupcakes and think I can do that I think LOL.  My grandmother before my time used to do wedding cakes. 

 I have an  aunt ( my grandmothers youngest daughter) who took a course at Micheals years ago and loves it but she is the type that can look at something and can just do it lol.  She gives me tips threw facebook chat so that is nice. Look forward to meeting all of you

hi im trisia im from lexington virginia i have only started about a year ago have lot to learn my self

My, My

Seems I have missed a few cakers here. So firstly, belated Welcome to:

Annie Whitton, AU

Giovanna Giandomenico, Italy

Maureen Makwela, SA

Hope you have enjoyed the site since you have joined.

Welcome new arrivals:

Annalee Fuerstenau, Wisconsin

Deana Lynn Rogers, Texas

Hope you all enjoy the site, learn a lot & make great cake friends. You certainly came to the right place. :o)

 Thank You for the welcome. 

 I am looking forward to making some cake decorating friends and learning along the way.

June Kowalczyk said:

My, My

Seems I have missed a few cakers here. So firstly, belated Welcome to:

Annie Whitton, AU

Giovanna Giandomenico, Italy

Maureen Makwela, SA

Hope you have enjoyed the site since you have joined.

Welcome new arrivals:

Annalee Fuerstenau, Wisconsin

Deana Lynn Rogers, Texas

Hope you all enjoy the site, learn a lot & make great cake friends. You certainly came to the right place. :o)

Hi, I'm from Edmonton, Canada and thanks to June found out about this group today. Over the years I have had a go at decorating cakes with a lot of ribbon put around cakes to hide all the mistakes. This year I have taken a few Wilton courses and have been looking online to check out a few courses I would like to take.  Enjoy cake decorating but still have a long way to go but this week I sold my first cake and although it was stressful it felt good.

Welcome Maria

You will enjoy this site,  get great inspiration & make great cake friends.   :o)

Hello, I currently reside in Ypsilanti, MI. I have been decorating cakes for almost a year come August. I Have taken some baking and decorating classes at my local community college. I love to bake, but like stated above, I feel like I have a long way to go! I always feel joy when people see the cakes i created for them. I guess my next step is to step up my own confidence in this craft.

Welcome Maia from Ypsilanti MI. We all are constantly learning our cake craft. I know I am. :o)

Thanks for the Welcome.  I cannot wait to start learning and take some classes just as soon as I get back on my feet again. 

deana lynn rogers said:

 Thank You for the welcome. 

 I am looking forward to making some cake decorating friends and learning along the way.

June Kowalczyk said:

My, My

Seems I have missed a few cakers here. So firstly, belated Welcome to:

Annie Whitton, AU

Giovanna Giandomenico, Italy

Maureen Makwela, SA

Hope you have enjoyed the site since you have joined.

Welcome new arrivals:

Annalee Fuerstenau, Wisconsin

Deana Lynn Rogers, Texas

Hope you all enjoy the site, learn a lot & make great cake friends. You certainly came to the right place. :o)


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