Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Please help! I'm frustrated!
I have a client that wants me to stencil her cake because she doesn't want to pay for the damask sugar sheets. So I bought a stencil and now she wants to almost recreate the stencil by using portions here and there. I did a trial run and it's a lot more work than I thought. I told her in the beginning that if she wants the entire cake covered there would be an extra fee. Well now she's truly given me a migraine about this darn stencil and doesn't Want to pay extra because of how she wants to rearrrange the design of the stencil. Am i being unrealistic to charge her extra for all the hand work.Her wedding is 10 days away what do I do without being a you know what to her.!!! 

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For sure June.  I make from scratch too.  I've tried a couple of box cakes and some of them are OK (Mick is working his way through one at the moment), but there is just a certain something there that I can't put my finger on, but that lets me know it isn't one of mine.


I hear ya.

You aren't being anything to her. Sounds like she is asking for quite a lot from you and should expect to pay extra for the extra you are doing to make her happy,.  Just explain it to her and right away.  If she doesn't like the price then send her on her way.  See if she can gegt anyone else to do what she wants for the price you're doing it for.


Good Luck!

If the client is changing things on you and creating more work you are certainly entitled to be complensate for the extra work. We all know that it isn't baking and the ingredients that cost so much but are time and attention to the work.  It is not unrealistic and telling her so is not inappropriate. It is business and nothjing more.

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