Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

So I attempted to make a spongebob cake and it ended up looking more like a cousin of Spongebob than SB himself. This stupid cake took me 8 hours to do and then it still didn't end up looking like him. I felt so disappointed and feel like I'm not cut out for this cake decorating thing.:(  I didin't carve him enough and I didn't have him high enough so all i could put was his eyes, nose, mouth and his shirt partially.  I made arms and legs but couldn't use them. Although my son still loved it. You know kids are they will eat anything. Should I throw in the towel what do you all think? Because right now that's what I thinking about doing. So here is pictures of his eyes, and spongebob's cousin.......

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Replies to This Discussion

What is wrong with that cake? I think it looks like sponge bob!! We are our own worst critics and i admit to sometimes really hating a cake i've made and feeling dissapointed, but the people you make it for just see a fabulous cake and love it, they don't see the little mistakes that we think are glaringly obvious!!! do not give up- every cake you make is better than the last one and you will only get better, and more confident - we've all been there!!
Hello crystal DIANA IS SO RIGHT i have done the self same thing just keep going you will get it right we have al at one time or another felt the same way we have to crawl before we walk.
Dont get discourage. I have gone thru the same. It made me want to get better. Don't quit. You are great. No one is better than the other we all help each other. So we are all great.Send me your email address and I will send you instructions on SB. Okay. This time do it for fun. It will come out.


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