Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I made the recipe of wedding cake icing from and sadly the cake icing fall off after it was picked up by the driver and employee of my client. So I was called to repair the cake. I'm just wondering why it happened. Thanks God that I was able to repair it with royal icing. I told the girl that she should not put it on her lap because the cake will moved but she still did it. The driver fetched me and he drives so fast. Maybe that is another reason. My husband delivered some cakes to Manila About 2 hours drive and I used the same icing but nothing bad happened, while here, the venue was just 10 minutes away. Was it my fault or the handling of the cake by the employee and the driver was not careful? Do you have a stiff wedding cake icing recipe that you can share? I'm really worried and I don't want to use that icing anymore. The recipe I used was 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar and 6 eggwhite with a pinch of salt.

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I don't think it was your icing at all Maria. If the driver was going too fast, & taking sharp turns, it's only cake, it's not made out of cement! When a customer picked up a cake from me, once I had it well boxed, & they left, it was there responsibility. You need to make that clear. You have to protect yourself. What if the hall had been a hour away with this maniac driver??? Not up to you because he screwed up. When I set a cake up in a hall, I always took a picture for 2 reasons. 1. So I could show my work. 2. For my protection. I would have proof that what the cake booked like when I set it up & left. If anyone at the hall "messed" it up, wasn't my fault. I was not responsible.

Thank you very much June. I also noticed that the cupcakes of the premix were oily, that's another factor why the icing collapsed from the cake. Look at the photos of the cupcakes.The red one was a carrot cupcake I made from scratch and delivered by my husband to Manila 2 hrs drive from here. The swirl looks good to me while the purple cupcakes were made from Pillsbury funfetti cake mix which I also used for the cake. The boiled icing are the same recipe I use for al the cupcakes and cake I made all yesterday. The cake was fine after I finished it, you can see it in the photo.This is the first time in my 12 years that the icing fell of from the cake. I will never use a premix cake again for my cakes because the customer will think that it was my fault.I learned my lesson. I will bear in mind you said.Rgds.


Wow.... that would be horrible to have that happen!  I have never used that recipe for icing so I really can not comment on that.  Just feel bad that it happened!


Well your recipe sounds like good old royal icing. That adheres to cake & cupcakes pretty well. But you say "boiled"  icing?  I am confused as you don't boil anything when making royal icing.

Boiled icing as we called it here, boiling sugar to melt then mix it with beaten eggwhites, something like American frosting. The cover of the cake was boiled icing while the piping around the cake was royal icing. When I was just starting, this is what I always use for icing the cakes. I just use fondant lately. Yes Jeri I felt so bad it happened.That's why I will not accept any orders if the client will insist to use their premix cake flour. It's my first time to use it and it became a disaster. I made a wedding cake on the pool using the same icing and it was transported to another place about 1 hour drive and was exposed under the sun and it didn't collapse.I think I have a photo in my album. 

My icing is just butter, powdered sugar, cream and flavoring .... never had that happen and I have done cakes in up to 107 degree weather.  I just can not imagine icing falling off the cake.  Sounds like there was maybe too much moisture?  I have no idea.  After 35 years of doing this I have not had that happen!  hope I never do!

Good Luck!

Yes Katy I hope it will not happen to anyone of you, I felt so bad with that. Our temperature here rises up to 38 degrees centigrade. It's really so hot here then when the cake was picked up, there is no aircondition in the van, the driver didn't stop or slow down  on humps. I knew it because he picked us here from my house to go to the event so that I can repair the cake. Now I'm scared to do boiled icing again even though I've been doing it for years. Thanks for your concern. God bless

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