Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I've never done much with meringue as I was not that good with it, but wanted to try another experiment with some leftovers.  I had one egg white and a small quantity of brown sugar syrup (left over from soaking the caramel cake).  So I whisked the egg white to soft peak, reheated the brown sugar syrup to bubbling and slowly whisked that into the egg white.  Then I beat in about 1 cup or so (what was left in the box!), of fondant icing sugar powder.  This is the result - tastes exactly like you would expect it to, soft meringue fondant.  Have I made something new or do you guys know all about this already?

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This seems sort of a swiss meringue bc icing Katy, minus the butter. Intersting. :o)

Kinda what I thought June.  Shall I call it Swiss Meringue Pouring Fondant?  If I had added more icing, it would have become firm fondant, so I guess I could cover a cake in it too.  ah the possibilities that stretch before me.  Only trouble is, of course, egg whites and all the potential dangers they bring with them........

Well, I'm fortunate Katy. They sell pasteurized egg whites in the grocery store here. But in all actually Katy, by adding the hot syrup, you are cooking the egg whites. Home Ec 101. :o)

lol June - never really did Home Economics after about 12!!!!!

June Kowalczyk said:

Well, I'm fortunate Katy. They sell pasteurized egg whites in the grocery store here. But in all actually Katy, by adding the hot syrup, you are cooking the egg whites. Home Ec 101. :o)

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