Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Ok, i need a little help from the more experienced out there.
Im trying to get the rest of the tools and gadgets i need ....
I am looking at getting a cake stand, but i see that there are so many different types, from really studry (cast iron of sorts) to plastic. Along with that, the price differences.
Can any of you give me some advice ?
If i dont have to spend a ton of money, i dont want to. But if it worth spending then i dont mind.

thanks in advance =-)

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I really need a new turntable but the prices keep making me hang back. When I first started I bought the flat cheapo one from Wilton but it wasn't high enough so I bought the tilting turntable. That has worked great for me but this summer it has started to lean and is no longer level. I decided to get the 'professional' turntable by Wilton but it was visibly not level so we had to return it. Bought the upgrade to the flat cheap turntable but it shudders when you turn it! I am tired of looking, even though today I was tempted until I saw that that tilting one is $80 :P
I'm hoping I can somehow talk hubby into making one for me :D
I've hear lots of good things about the stand by PME. Apparently it's better than the Wilton one as it's more robust and the cakes don't slip when you tilt it. I don't own one but I plan to.
Here's a link to global sugar art's site

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