Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Check out these really cool rainbow cake ideas. I have added links to all the rainbow cake and cupcakes in the photo section. Feel free to add rainbow cakes to the reply section also.

Rainbow cakes

Rainbow Cupcakes

How to make a rainbow cake

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I baked cake with the same technique but it was not the rain bow color(There is the recipe in my blog).Another cake I decorated with fondant (rain bow color). 

very nice

please post the recipe if you could

Nadia said:

I baked cake with the same technique but it was not the rain bow color(There is the recipe in my blog).Another cake I decorated with fondant (rain bow color). 

Cake Fan said:

very nice

please post the recipe if you could

Nadia said:

I baked cake with the same technique but it was not the rain bow color(There is the recipe in my blog).Another cake I decorated with fondant (rain bow color). 


5 large eggs at room temperature                                                                                                                   
2/5 teaspoons bakingpowder

1cup yoghurt     

2cups sugar

1/2cup milk

3cups purpose flour

1cup vegetable oil

2tablespoon cocoa powder

1teaspoon vanilla extract

1drops of red wilton color

You will also need (26cm)nonstick round cakepan

preheat the oven to low temperature

 Bake in the oven for about 1.5 hours


In a large mixing bowl, combine eggs and sugar and vanilla, until the mixture is creamy and light in color.Add yoghurt and milk and beat till mix together then add oil and continue beating until well blended.In separate bowl, combine and mix flour and baking powder.Gradually add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and beat until the batter is smooth.Divide the mixture into 3 equal portions. keep one portion plain ,add cocoa powder into another and red color into another portion.

Lightly grease the pan with oil. Scoop 2 heaped tablespoons of plain batter into the middle of bakingpan.Then scoop 2 tablespoons of cocoa batter and pou it the center on top of the plain batter.Then scoop 2 tablespoons of red color batter and pour it in the center on top of the cocoa batter.Do not stop and wait until the previous batter spreads.Keep going !Do not spread the batter or tilt pan to distribute the mixture.It will spread by itself and till pan gradually. Continue until you finish them.

If you don't want decorate with buttercream or fondant, take a knife and go forward and backward and sign spider .And then bake in the oven. Or if you don'nt want become 3 colors you can use 2 colors (plain and cocoa)then you have to divide the mixture into 2 equal part and scoop 3 tablespoons of batter substitute 2 tablespoons of batter. your oven temperature must be very low and take aroud 1.5 hours to oven degree has problem .when I bake cake I always use very low temperature.If your oven temperature is high ,inside your cake become raw.

I want to try this.. Can you send me a message for the recipe? Thanks! 

Cake Fan said:

I love the icing on top! Is it Buttercream?? 

Cake Fan said:

I don't have the rainbow cake at Monginis. But I would like to say I saw your rainbow cake image its really nice.

Thank you this information is very useful. It is really a great Post. Mumbai Online Florist

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