There are several conversations in the forums about stacking. You may want to look there for additional ideas but here's a quick answer.
2 tiers are easy so don't stress. You will need a cake board under your top tier otherwise the dowels have nothing to bump up against to give support. Be sure to cut your dowels EXACTLY the same length. You'd be surprised how much a little difference in length can make a tier lean. Use no less than 4 dowels but depending on your cake size you may need more. Frankly, I'd rather have too many than not enough.
There's a YouTube of Edna De la Cruz stacking cakes. Take a look at it and it will guide you through the process.
EDIT: Like everything else, there are things that work for one that don't work for another. JJ suggested using 3 dowels. I know it should work but I've never been able to level my cakes with just 3 dowels so I use 4 or more.
If you begin to make more tiered cakes be sure to look at the SPS system (Single Plate Separator), it's easy and affordable. I order mine from Jester's in Florida (www.fondantsource.com) but I'm sure other places carry them.
Wow! Thanks for the great advice! JJ and Deah, I think I can do it with your instructions. I also like the concept if 3 is good, 4 is better. LOL!! I really want it to turn out. Linda, I have a guestion, if you put a cake board under the top tier how do you get the dowl rod to go through both tiers? It sounds like a good idea but I don't think I can punch a rod through the board and not screw the cake up.
Thanks again for all the help! I'll post a picture Saturday if the cake turns out. First time for tiers and gum paste/fondant flowers. :)
Rachel, I can answer your question about the center dowel. You will need to have a pencil sharpener dedicated to cakes. Sharpen the end of the dowel and drive it through the cake. You may need a small "hammer" to drive it through the cardboard cake round. Be sure to trim the dowel to a little less than the height of the entire cake before you insert it.
This step isn't necessary for 2 tier cakes but if you are transporting 3 or more tiers and not using the SPS system it is a definite must for peace of mind.
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