Oh Penny - what a shame! It has to be your oven - your cake is rising too fast. Unless......did you use a 10" pan with an 8" quantity recipe? If so, that may have caused it to cook too quickly. Or, did you beat it for too long? 2 -3 mins is plenty. Too long and you incorporate too much air. I'm so sad for you that you are having these issues, it really does spoil the fun. I got a bit down myself yesterday when some decorations I was making didn't turn out at all well. That's when I throw tantrums lol!, so I sympathise.
If you can get this book by Mary Berry, do so. It's an oldish one, so may not be available, plus, I don't know what measurements you use - cups or grams? If you use grams, it will work for you. I have this book and I love it.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Oh and I had a baking mum too - learnt pretty much all I know from her plus years of experience!
I concur with Katy, Penny. Must be your stove. If temp isn't right, messes up everything. My 1st oven in our 1st house was a cheapie. Most of the time it worked well, but when it didn't....... oh man. The top element of the stove was supposed to shut off once it reached proper temp, but sometimes it didn't. Never knew when it would happen. I would smell smoke, and whatever I had baking would have started to burn. I had the repair fella in so many times.... said it was the wiring, whole stove needed to be re-wired. Ah.. that wasn't happening. So I got smart & would watch & wait, and once the top element shutoff, knew I was in the clear. So I really feel for you. Baking is supposed to be fun, to be enjoyed. Don't be dismayed. Hopefully you will be able to rectify the situation. Actually, Penny, if you find your oven temp IS fluctuating erratically, it could prove dangerous. Perhaps hubby would consider getting you a new one. We did. Hubby was afraid of a fire. Best of luck.... keep us posted. :o)
AHhhh Penny
Could be your power supply. By that I mean, too much demand for electricity & not enough amps coming into your house. Our 1st house was 40 yrs old when we bought it. The electrical box had not been upated, so when I was running the clothes dryer, and I put on the oven...... Bam.... blown fuse, blackout. The electrical box couldn't handle all those appliances going at the same time. SOoooo even tho money was tight, ( I was a stay at home Mom & one income ) hubby new it was dangerous. We needed a expert electrician, with a special licence through our provincial government, trained to upgrade our electical box. After that, we never had any more problems. You may need to investigate this. :o )
Jees Louise - what a drama for you all! Penny - microwaves and kettles take A LOT of power, you defo have a power supply problem. Hubby and I got rid of our electric kettle when we realised how much power it used. We are retired and drink a lot of tea (of course we do, we're English haha), so it was going very regularly. We use gas now (still expensive but hey, what can you do?). I also have a gas oven - always have, always will.
Decorations didn't come out the way I wanted, so moving on to Plan B this morning - ho hum.
lol Penny - enjoy your tea. Glad the cake was a hit.
Plan B going reasonably well so far..........
When I was making the wedding cake from h*&$ I had one cake that fell, grrrr. I had tested it with a metal cake tester and I think that when I use it, sometimes it heats up to much and then it appears that the cake is done but in actuality the cake cooked on the tester. I started using tooth picks and now I KNOW my cakes are done and they aren't falling. don't know if this helps or not.
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