Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.


I've been asked to make some muffins. Now, i've not actually made any before lol

I have a deep ish 12 tin ( deeper than what I make the cupcake in ) is this any good ?

Also In need of some good recipes for muffins, as I understand that these are a different mix thank cupcakes ? Also I need to make cookies too, again i've not made any before. Ive got some great pictures of these regarding decorating them, but nothing else.

So I thought I would ask for some of the brilliant advice on here ;-)


Thank you for any help


ps Katy, the sleepless night choc cake went down a storm !! lol ;-)


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lol Lisa - glad to hear about the chocolate cake!

Depends what kind of muffins you want to make, but yes they are different from cupcakes.  I made mine in a muffin tin (which is also what I use for my cupcakes).  What you are saying about yours sounds about right.  I like my cupcakes big!

I have made the blueberry muffins from this link(they were lovely) and there are also some links from there to other flavours -

Also cookies depends on what you want to make style wise.  I'm guessing just plain type sugar cookies that you can ice and decorate?  I'm not a biscuit baker yet so haven't got a tried and tested recipe, but honestly, I don't think you can ever go wrong with a Mary Berry recipe.  Just google her and biscuits, something is BOUND to come up.  Also I know a member on this site made some lovely biscuits and she gave where she got the recipe from in her comments.  This is the link to the page with her biscuits on for you to see and her comment is about the second one down about Peggy Porschens recipe -

Thanks much Katy, I did try once, but they ended up cupcakes instead. I put this down to using the shallower tin I use for my cupcakes ? Here's a pic of my new " muffin tin " This is deeper than the one I use for cupcakes.

I dot know if its deep enough ? Its not as deep as second pic may look.

Thank you ;-)


This looks right to me Lis - looks the same as mine

Thanks Katy, do I need to make them in this or bake them in the cases ? Sorry I really don't what im doing with these lol


Definitely bake them in cases.  Muffins usually come in cases same as cupcakes and they rise over the top of the case (hence the expression 'muffin top!'.  You can buy muffin cases in just about any supermarket - I get mine from Tesco, just plain white ones.  But if you want something more fancy then you would probably need a cake equipment store or Amazon, something like that.

Thank you Katy, ive found some on Ebay but most look just like cupcake cases?

There are the paper ones that look like a tulips ?

Are the "muffin cases " different to normal cupcake cases ?

Ha! " muffin top " !!!  Bf has a cake shelf ! ;-)



I have made tons of cookies & muffins. Muffins are dead easy.  I have 2 Muffin books. It depends what event to the type of muffin.  I have  made sweet, savory & dessert muffins. If  you tell me what you are looking for specifically, I could certainly send you a recipe. Although finding a recipe from a UK  site would help you with measurements. Like Mary Berry. I made cookies from a cake mix this past Christmas......SOoooo easy. The almond were to die for. I have a ton of cookie recipes as well.  My hubby loves my peanut butter cookies.  Always bugging me to make them.  But I am bad, if I bake them,  I can't stop eating them! !!!  

Let me know.

Ha! You sound like the cookie queen !! ;-)

Thank you June, I think maybe chocolate muffins or lemon maybe banana to start with then different ones as the weeks go by. I would love to do some royal icing flooding etc on the cookies but a bit worried about the raw eggs, I cant get any powdered at the min. Ive got chocolate I could melt and also ive got white candy melts I was saving for cake pops? Im just worried that they wont look like muffins !!!

Thank you



Morning Lis.

1.  didn't you say you got the 1st issue of the cake decorating magazine?  I seem to remember there was a cookie recipe in that?  In issue 5 there are some decorating ideas and how too as well.  They look really pretty.

2. Muffin cases - 2 kinds.  The fancy ones with the tulip shape top as you mention or just plain ones that are like large cupcake cases (Tesco do them) -

They will look like muffins, because of the recipe you are going to use.  It comes out differently to cupcakes, so don't worry.

Morning Katy. oooh never though of the mag I will have a look. just to try my new tin, I went a got a box mix but not all of them rose properly? ...The box said to bake at gas 7 . Did I mix too much ? The cases turned brown which I think is due to high temp ? They were PME ? Also, the tops are a little too hard or crunchy !! lol

mmm - you've got one there that looks spot on (middle of the top picture).  What mix did you use?  Some of them are rubbish, but some are really good.  I do like Betty Crocker mixes, they always seem to turn out well for me, whatever it is.  7 does sound a bit high to me, I would have thought 6 would be plenty.  You may have overmixed - I believe one of the secrets of a good crown is to only mix until everything is combined.

Thanks Katy, I don't think these are goodenough so ive just made some cake pops, ive never made them before. Ive used a spare choc cake , chocolate fudge icing and wilton candy melts. What do you think ?

Ive got more to do, so thought I could tint the rest of the candy melts with the gel colours I have ?

Ive really got to get these muffins right!! At least I know the tin works.


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