Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hello everyone ...


This is my firs time here! I will be making my first wedding cake this summer, the cake will be for 200 people! Any tips? I'm new making cakes so I'm learning as I go ... But this cake is an important one and any help will be fantastic to have ...


Have a wonderful day


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Prepare anything and evrything that you can in advance. It helps me alot when I make the buttcream in advance, or any sugar decorations, fillings etc.. Hope that will help.
The only other piece of advise I can add is to try to do a practice cake. I have my first wedding cake coming up next month also. My time line for the cake will be this: Bake cakes Wednesday. Level, torte fill and crumb coat Thursday. Cover in Fondant Friday. Thankfully this cake will be very simple with only fresh lemons and limes, and satin ribbon which will added during assembly at the venue on Saturday. Doing a practice cake can really help in knowing what you're up against! :)

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