I know that I can vent to my CWB buddies and you will all understand......many of you I sure have had this issue yourselves. I had a request from someone to do a Sesame Street birthday cake, 30 people, to look like Mr. Hoopers store and the apartment building next to it. Little characters roaming on the street, very detaile buildings the whole 9 yards. When I quoted a price of $100, which I think is reasonable considering all of the hours that would go into: purchasing ingredients, baking, stacking, filling, trimming, covering in fondant I made myself, making all the decorations, trim pieces, etc. by hand to custom fit this cake, etc.....I get "Oh no! That's far more than I wanted to spend!" Okee dokee! Feel free to contact a bakery to see what they would charge or figure out how to do it yourself. Aaaagghh! Thanks, I feel better now. Back into the kitchen.
Balm to my soul and tonic for my nerve ends - you gals alllllll rock! Happy Friday, happy baking and just happy wishes to you all xoxoxox ps so good to get that message on our board from you Linda - I was very interested in the cutting of the five out of board to make a pan - please would you indulge me (and I am sure others on this page) with exactly how you go about making the pan? Thank you kindly :-)
Happy Friday everyone. I'm going to have a lovely day today - cooking, baking and decorating, my favourite pastimes. Sculpting, ganaching (?) and fondanting cake for tomorrow, icing cupcakes, making bubble and squeak for dinner tonight and maybe time for an apple pie, with apples from the garden. Life is good!
Well, what we did was take a 2X10 by 6' piece of wood, and cut the wood into 2-10" squares that got glued to each other, one on top of the other. We clamped these while drying. Once they were dry, my husband glued a copy of the pattern onto the face of the wood, and then cut it out with a table scroll saw. Once the 5 was cut out, we had the hollow shell of the 5 and that is what you use for the form. You turn the wood so that it is facing backward. Then nail a flat thin piece of wood (1/4 inch thick) that has been cut into a 10"X10" square onto the bottom of it so that you have a bottom to the form. Take very thick heavy duty foil and start forming your pan on the inside of the backward 5. You can cut off the excess foil once you are satisfied with the thickness. I used a font in my simple paint program to create the 5, and just made the 5 to fit the size of the box in paint. Then I cut that image down in two sections on paint so that when I printed the pictures out, I would have to piece the two pieces together to make a large enough 5. I'll add the pattern that I came up with.
Mandy Nel said:
Balm to my soul and tonic for my nerve ends - you gals alllllll rock! Happy Friday, happy baking and just happy wishes to you all xoxoxox ps so good to get that message on our board from you Linda - I was very interested in the cutting of the five out of board to make a pan - please would you indulge me (and I am sure others on this page) with exactly how you go about making the pan? Thank you kindly :-)
The top portion that you see is actually the bottom of the five, upside down. If anyone is interested in me sending the pattern to them by e-mail, just private message with your e-mail address and I'll send the files. You print out each file separately and then take the two pieces of paper and line up the lines and tape them to form the 5. Then you are ready to glue the pattern onto the wood.
June found something on the web that you could also use. It is a baking strip that is flexible and you can form it into any shape you want! It wasn't very long, so I don't know how many you would have to use, but it was really neat!
Ohhh okay, I get the idea now - thank you for sharing :-)
wow you went way to low on that price pepole dont get it the time it takes to make a cake like that. count yourself lucky they didnt order it. my 2 cents.
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