Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hello everyone!


I need your help! i'm making my first wedding cake in a month and I want the couple to try some cakes, wich ones are the "ok" cake flavors for weddings? Chocolate? Vanilla? red velvet?

I also need some good recipies does anyone knows any website where I can get them?


Thank you very much!



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For recipes you might enjoy a lot of the recipes found on our site here. Look under forum for the word "recipes" and I'm sure you will find many wonderful choices.
I will ... Thank you
Cynthia, wedding cake flavors are more non-traditional now than they used to be. I went to a wedding a while back and one of the tiers was Margarita - wonderful by the way. My daughter had a red velvet topsy-turvy cake. There aren't any set rules any more.

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