Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi! I'm a little concerned about some cupcakes I am baking. They are for a friend and she isn't paying, only for the ingredients, so it's not a huge deal, but for the sake of the kids eating them it is. Basically, I'll be baking them tonight (Saturday night) and also icing them tonight, because she wants to pick them up tomorrow morning... But they won't be eaten until Monday mid- morning. So that's about one and a half days after baking. This normally wouldn't be a problem I don't think but, when she picks them up she has to travel approx 30mins in the car with no air con. It's autumn here so it's not stinking hot or anything, the weather shouldn't be any warmer than 25 degrees Celsius when she picks them up.

My concern is the buttercream. I've decided to go for the Wilton recipe which calls for a bit of shortening. Australia doesn't sell shortening, our equivalent is COPHA which causes the icing to set a bit harder than shortening would. How should I store these cupcakes best? Airtight container in a cooler bag with ice bricks okay? Should I tell her to bring an eski? She won't have Ice but she could put it in that with ice bricks??? I'm not sure how best to travel them.

Lastly, at her home, should she leave them in an airtight container on her bench overnight or best to refrigerate? It will be approx only 14 degrees Celsius over the evening. (Sorry I don't know farenheight conversions).

I don't have a business, I'm relatively new to baking for ppl other than my family so I don't know these things yet haha. Thanks in advance for your help!

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Hi Penny! Cupcakes without buttercream stay fresh for 3 days at room temperature. Buttercream will not melt for a few hours if it's not too hot also when it's refrigerated, I think it's fine to eat even in 5 days when refrigerated. It is safer to transport it in an airtight container but the ice should not touch the cupcakes to avoid getting it wet. When the cupcakes get cold it will be not soft as it was freshly baked but the buttercream will not melt. It's ok if it's only 30 minutes travel. If you really need a cupcake with frosting that will not melt and can be stored in an airtight container without refrigeration just use white or chocolate ganache.

I would freeze them when you have made them.  Take them out of the freezer when she collects them.  That will keep them cool for the journey.  Then she can either refrigerate or leave in a cool place in an airtight container until required.  Bring them to room temperature just before eating.  I have found that freezing does not spoil the cake in any way, in fact often makes it more moist.  I freeze iced cupcakes all the time and they still taste great.

Yes Penny

Katy is right about freezing the cupcakes once iced. I also do this all the time. Put the cupcakes in a airtight container with a bit of nonstick rubber mat on the bottom.  They can go in a cooler with ice bricks. When your friend picks them up Sunday, she should take the lid off the container when she gets home, or the condensation will build up inside the container. Then the cupcake papers may come off & the cupcakes may get soggy. She can leave the lid off, leave them in the container until she is ready to serve them.  :o)

Thanks for your help everyone! It was a particularly cold night last night so I left them in an airtight container on the bench and they stayed nice. When she picked them up we had them in airtight containers, in cooler bags, with ice bricks on the top of the containers to help the icing... But not on the bottom so they wouldn't go soggy. She put them straight in the fridge when she got home... They are being served tomorrow morning... Ill ask her how they went. The icing is definitely a bit stiffer than usual buttercream thanks to the COPHA so I think it'll go alright.

I'm so glad I've learned that you can freeze them with icing on! That is SO handy to know, can't wait to try it out!
Thanks for your help ladies!

Welcome Penny - let us know if they were OK.  (They will be).

Any time Penny. That is what we are here for. A cake community helping each other.   :o)

Welcome Penny....anytime!

I got a call this afternoon, she said the kids loved them and they were still lovely and fresh :-D thanks again ladies! So pleased

Terrific Penny - isn't it great when things turn out OK and someone actually tells you so!

That's great Penny.... a small triumph.....    :o)

just read these posts and glad to read about the cupcakes too, my mom always freezes her cakes as well and I have tried that and it tasted fine but I'm still afraid to freeze them. I have frozen un-iced cupcakes but only for my own use.

Good question and good advice.  I'm new to this site.  Tomorrow we're making three dozen cupcakes for an Engagement party.  But, they will be eaten the following evening, so I don't think I need to refrigerate or freeze them... or do I?

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