I have a 3 tiered zebra cake to make for a party next Saturday (Feb 18th). Each tier will of course be 2 layers which is a total of 6 cakes to bake. I only have 1 set of pans (1 10", 1 8" and 1 6") so I have to do one of each layer at a time. My oven averages 40-50min per "batch". I also have to make 5 batches of marshmallow fondant, 6 batches of buttercream icing, 3 small bows and 1 large bow plus cut all the zebra stripes before I can begin assembling the cake. My problem is, I'm VERY slow at the whole process. I was hoping I could bake the cakes and make the buttercream icing the day before. However I do not know the best way to store the cakes overnight. Should I put them in the freezer? If so should I wrap them in something first? Should I put the buttercream in the fridge overnight or leave on the counter in an air tight container? Any advice anyone can give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and happy caking!!
Hi Kelly - don't panic! :) You can bake your cakes a day or even two ahead if you wrap them really well in several layers of plastic wrap and put them in your refrigerator. In fact, I always bake my cakes at least a day before I assemble them in order to let them "rest" and firm up. The buttercream icing depends on which kind you are making. I make mine with butter, shortening, and half & half, so I usually will refrigerate it if I'm going to make it ahead of time. May I ask why you are making so much fondant? One batch will easily cover the 10" and a second batch would cover the 8" and 6", and you'll have some leftover - so at most I would think you'd only need two or three, even to cover the stripes and bows. Good luck!!
Thank you Eileen. I am making powdered sugar butter cream (butter, shortening and powdered sugar). The reason I'm making so much fondant is because I can never seem to reuse the left over fondant after I cover my cake. I think I use to much powdered sugar on my mat and it dries it out quickly. I made a cake today (posted on my page) and after I covered my cake (1 10" tier) I only had about a double handful left and there was so much powdered sugar on/in it, I couldn't even ball it up. I know the cake I'm making is SUPER ambitious given that I made my first batch of fondant 2 1/2 weeks ago but that has always been a problem with me. I don't know how to do anything small, I just jump right in feet first...LOL I'm hoping with more and more practice I'll be able to use less powdered sugar and make my fondant go further. Anyway, thanks for all your advice. I'll make the cakes and wrap them the day before to save me some time the day of. Happy caking!!
wow those two cakes would have taken me 3 batches of fondant. LOL I tried using the shortening but for some reason, my fondant sticks to my mat when I use shortening. Maybe I'm using too little or too much shortening...idk. Will begin experimenting more after next weekend. I have to get through this cake first. Thanks for the info Melanie! Happy caking!
Kelly, I always bake my cakes in advance and then freeze them. I have a shrink wrap machine so I make bags with my shrink wrap, stick the cake in, and then seal the end up with the shrink wrap machine. Putting them into a zip lock type freezer bag will do the same thing. Also just wrapping them into plastic wrap, then aluminum foil will do the same thing. The cakes that are frozen seem to always be much more moist than one placed on the counter and covered. I also agree with both of the ladies up above. You should have plenty of fondant just making the two batches. I use quite a lot of Crisco when rolling it out. If you don't have The Mat, that might be something to consider purchasing for yourself. Once it is rolled out, you can pick up the whole mat and your fondant won't fall off, and you can position where you want it before actually taking it off the mat. http://www.youtube.com/user/SweetWiseInc?v=nu6QpimDDDQ&feature=...
I concur with all the replies above Kelly. As a matter of fact the last ckae I did, which was a shower cake posted firday, I baked those 2 cakes a week and a half ago. Like Linda said, I wrapped them tightly in plastic wrap, then tin foil, and then into the freezer. I have baked & froze up to a mnth before. Never ever a problem, and the cakes crumb coat easier, carve easier, and are always moist. I had to carve down the bodice on my bride cake, and it was so easy with the cake partially frozen. Linda's tip about the Mat is good as well. I bought one, and it is the best $$ I ever spent. Especially for large pieces you have to roll. You just pick up the whole Mat with your fondant attached & take it over to your cake. If you can't afford the Mat, my Walmart here ( in Canada ) apparently sells large rolls of plastic, you can cut to size. Not sure tho, if it is food grade safe. And I use as little icing sugar as possible when rolling out. With the Mat, you only use the smallet possibible amount of Crisco when rolling. Keep your eyes open Kelly for sales at Micheal's/Hobby Lobby for cake pans, or other stores as well. I stocked up using my 40% coupon. My Micheal's was carrying these "gold standard" Wilton pans that are guranteed never to tarnish/rust. They have had they on the shelves for about a year. I ran in the other day, but didn't have tome to really look. The pans are not selling, so they are on for 1/2 price. I want a large heart pan, so I am going to pop over today & see what, if any, they have left.
Yes guys, I am dying to order The Mat, however funds just don't allow it right now. I did put it on my facebook for anyone in the family wondering what to get me for my birthday next month though! Our Michaels here has all their "gold standard" pans on clearance, not sure why though. I have a trip to Michaels planned for Thursday, depending on whether or not this months child support comes in on time (finger's crossed). I will be sure to post pics Friday when I'm done with the cake. I will be putting all of you guy's good advice into practice! Thanks so much to all of you! Happy caking!
Well Kelly
Do ck out your local Walmart, you might be surprised that they have food grade vinyl at a very reasonable cost.
I know with ordering & shipping to Canada, the Mat turned out to be pretty pricey. But I had been saving, and my economics are slightly different than yours. As decorators, big & small, there are all types of tools of the trade we all love to buy, but we cannot always neccesarily afford. I just recently retired, and I am on Canada pension. In the old days, I could say...oh I have 2 more pay cheques. Not anymore!!!!! One cheque a month, and I have to make it last. I challange myself Kelly to see if I can accomplish decorating techniques with household products I have...ie: a buscuit cutters, ceral/fruit bowls as "cutters" etc.. Or when I am at Walmart, hardware store, even the dollar store, I look around, and I have picked up "tools" that were not what you would call, traditional cake decorating tools. But they have worked!!! The idea is to have fun, and work with what you got, and be ....CREATIVE!!! :o)
YAY!! Hubby surprised me with an early birthday gift! The Mat has been ordered and he even sprung for the extra money for shipping to have it here before I make the zebra cake Friday!!!! I can't wait! I've been watching all the videos on how to use/clean/store the mat as well as all the awesome benefits of it and all the awesome things it can do such as fondant inlays! My zebra stripes won't be raised now, they'll be inlaid! I'm TOTALLY stoked!! Hoping this means I have to make less fondant now! Happy caking everyone!!!!
We can't wait to see the pictures, Kelly!! Yay!
Kelly Chandley said:
YAY!! Hubby surprised me with an early birthday gift! The Mat has been ordered and he even sprung for the extra money for shipping to have it here before I make the zebra cake Friday!!!! I can't wait! I've been watching all the videos on how to use/clean/store the mat as well as all the awesome benefits of it and all the awesome things it can do such as fondant inlays! My zebra stripes won't be raised now, they'll be inlaid! I'm TOTALLY stoked!! Hoping this means I have to make less fondant now! Happy caking everyone!!!!
Here is the terrifying zebra cake for my daughter's birthday. Not quite as good as I would have liked but it'll work and not too bad for my first tiered cake. Opinions and critique welcome. Happy caking!
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