Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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Happy New year to you too Jaci, may every new cake you bake be as sweet as you are! :)

Wes & Jaci said:
Happy Happy New years everyone , Hope its a Great one for you all , From our family to yours all the best 
Yes indeed Jeri, I've met, well virtually met so many people from every corner of the globe :) last year and although we don't speak the same language, when it comes to cake, we all understand each other perfectly!!! 

jeri c said:

So wonderful that we are all from different areas... countries... etc but we can all come together through the common thread... baking.  Hope all my Baking Buddies has a most wonderful New Year and that all your caking dreams come true this year! 


Welcome and Happy New year to you too Myrna! I'm from Cape Town, South Africa.

m.r.jensen said:

I'd like to add my Happy New Year also. I just joined a couple of days ago.

My name is Myrna & I am from Alberta, Canada. In reply to Jeri's comment...I think it would be nice if everyone adds where they are from, at the bottom of their replies. I find it very interesting to find out where people come from & I'm sure that others do to.

Thank you so much. Very nice to hear from you.

That is very exciting. One of my daughters-in-law is from South Africa also. She lived just outside Jo-burg & her mother is still there. Her Ouma & Oupa live in Cape Town. Vanessa's brother lives down there too, in Durban. It is indead a small world. 

How long have you been decorating cakes? 
Neryl Johnson said:

Welcome and Happy New year to you too Myrna! I'm from Cape Town, South Africa.

m.r.jensen said:

I'd like to add my Happy New Year also. I just joined a couple of days ago.

My name is Myrna & I am from Alberta, Canada. In reply to Jeri's comment...I think it would be nice if everyone adds where they are from, at the bottom of their replies. I find it very interesting to find out where people come from & I'm sure that others do to.

Hello Neryl, i have just recieved your message i went to my daughter!s as she has just came home from hospital thank you for your lovely message good to hear from you take care x
Hello myrna my name is Anne i have only been with cakes we bake for 2/3 months all the girls are really helpful i love the site a happy new year to you,i am from scotland but now live in london.

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