Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Ok ladies, don't get me wrong I am no where near professional. But lets say you starting your bussines and you wanted to get invited to these bridal fairs and shows to showcase your talents, how do you accomplish this?

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I attend most of the bridal shows in our area for inspiration and ideas. However... the cost to be a vendor is through the roof. I don't want to be that busy. I mostly make cakes for close friends and family so it would not be something that I would be interested in but the ladies who are vendors there have samples for people to taste... on top of all of their show cakes. I have noticed though that a lot of the vendors use the same show piece cakes for 2 or 3 years before changing them out.

I agree with Sherry... most of them probably do require you to be licensed and have a business. I can not imagine how busy it would be after doing a show... I have all the cakes I want but I work full time and this is more a hobby for me.
You know ladies your so right. I have been tied up with valentine stuff for about two weeks now and have not had a "my day" and it's driving me crazy!! What was I thinking. Thanks for keeping me "out of the clouds" lol.
I feel the same way!!! My husband laughs because I clean, disenfect the whole "9 yards" before I bake, while I bake and of course after I bake. I just tell him he needs to understand this is food going out, if something happens whose in trouble? I totally agree. It's taken some long years to get where we are at. Don't get me wrong we are not "living it up" or anything like that, but we are ok and I want to keep it that way. Who knows maybe in a couple of years we can both have our own shops and we will be successful!!

Sherry Qualls said:

The clouds are where dreams live. Never stop dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in the same boat as you. I would love to sell my cakes...but home bakeries are not legal here :::sigh:::: so I keep honing my skills and hoping either the law will change here or I can move to a state where it's legal. I could do it if I wanted...there are a couple of ladies in town who fly under the radar...the mayor orders from them, members of the city council order from them, even the chief of I know I could do it if I wanted to...and it's not so much a " I would NEVER do something illegal" thing, its more of a liability thing...even though the risk of a food illness are relatively low with cake...and I practice commercial food safety policies (yes even though its a hobby) there is always the "what if"..and I am not willing to risk everything my husband and I have worked so hard for to sell a few cakes...that's just my take...not a judgement on anyone who does...just where I am coming from.

tracey lopez said:
You know ladies your so right. I have been tied up with valentine stuff for about two weeks now and have not had a "my day" and it's driving me crazy!! What was I thinking. Thanks for keeping me "out of the clouds" lol.

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