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Ladies, I found this website and the product Clikstix to make your cut out letters easy to cut.

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Maria, thanks for sharing this.  They look really easy to use don't they?

The "groovy" set are almost identical to the set of Wilton I have. Couldn't find them on the AU cake supply site at all, although they say they carry them???  Did find them here at a suupplier in Canada for about $13.00. I want the tappit letters, but until I can get them on sale....  well....  not happening.  :o)

 Yes it looks easy. I will try to look for it when I have some money. I have a Funky tappit letters but it's difficult to use, taking a lot of time to cut letters. I bought it in Manila for 700 pesos about 18 US dollars, expensive!

I have the funky tappits too - very tricky to get the letters out!  I find it really helps to put them in the freezer for a short while.  Do as many as you can in one go,  make sure you have dusted in cornstarch first, or smeared in petal base, pop them in the freezer then really give them a hard sharp tap on your work surface to get them out.  

Maria Gemini said:

 Yes it looks easy. I will try to look for it when I have some money. I have a Funky tappit letters but it's difficult to use, taking a lot of time to cut letters. I bought it in Manila for 700 pesos about 18 US dollars, expensive!

Ok Katy I will follow your instructions. Thanks!!!

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