Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

My son turns 1 on March 2nd!  My heart melts.  As it so happens, he was born on Dr. Seuss' birthday & loves Dr. Seuss.  I'm overwhelmed with the many possibilities.

His favorite character is the Grinch.  He also really likes Horton, Thing 1 & 2, the Sneetches, & the characters from Green Eggs & Ham.

My first thought is to do a 3 tier cake with all the characters he likes from gumpaste.  This seems like an awful lot of work.  At the same time, I think people are expecting a fabulous cake given it's what I do.  

I have not yet tried working with cereal treats & I wonder if it would be faster or easier.

So, I turn to all of you for help.  Suggestions?  Also, anyone know a good cereal treat tutorial?

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Firstly, Laney
DON'T make a cake to "please", or meet others expectations. Make what YOU want. Keep in mind your little fella will only be one years old, so keeping it simple might be better so he can relate to what is on the cake. Unless you are having a houseful of people, making a 3 tier does seem a lot of work . You want to ENJOY his birthday & not be too overwhelmed. My husband is Polish , & we always had a BIG family party. Then I would have a "kiddie" party as well for my kids, so had to make 2 cakes every time. With so much work & planning to do, I use to make those "rental" pan cakes. You know, Smurfette, Superman, etc. I was just new to decorating, so they were easy. Why don't you pick just one fav, make a one tier with a few characters/elements on it?
I think a cake with green eggs & ham sounds like fun!! Using RCT is pretty easy. Very forgiving to work with.
Whatever you choose to do.....Enjoy !
Do let us all know what you decide.....& post pic's

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