Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I am sorry if this question is in the wrong section.  Has anyone used this before ( I bought it not realizing it is double strength, does that mean I can use half the amount that I would usually use or do I still have to use the same amount?  Any kind of input that you may have would be very helpful.  Thanks 

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Hi there! I've purchase Penzey's double strength before and their suggestion was indeed to use half.  I'm a vanilla lover, so depending on what I'm making I have used the same measurement listed for single strength.  I will say that if you are making a white vanilla buttercream, and hate imitation clarified vanilla, using half the volume of a true vanilla does prevent some of the "browning" of the end result.

Thank -you very much for you input.  I figured as much for the vanilla but I figured I should clarify.  I really like vanilla too.  I will defiantly try your tip for the real vanilla in the icing to make it less brown as I find that the artificial one gives it a weird store bought taste and that is really not what I am going for with my icing. 

As a side note -- I use 4 tablespoons of my homemade vanilla in 5 qts of buttercream.  I don't find that it changes to color too much.  No one else sees a change either. 

How do you make homemade vanilla?

Hope I make vanilla all the time. I have bought Tahition beans and mexican beans. I use 4 beans and cheap volka. Maybe 2 cups of volka and wait 3 months. I allways have some made and ready to go. It is easy. Maybe others can put in their recipes. I would love to see them also..

:) Thanks for sharing.

Hey Hope
Knew you had to be a Canadian from Ont cause I buy supplies from Golda's too. Heading there this week. I have super strength vanilla from Mexico & I half it in my BC icing.

I have never been there I think it would be a bad idea for me to go, impulses shopper when it comes to cake stuff.  And Yes I am Canadian from ON.  Do you know someone in Mexico who sends it to you?  I will defiantly try to half the brown vanilla and see how it goes I just use the brown vanilla form Costco.

I just started 2 bottles of vanilla.  I use Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans and a mid-grade vodka (Smirnoff Double Distilled - Red Label for me but you can use any brand just don't go cheap).

I purchased the 1.75liter bottle of vodka.  Sliced 18 vanilla bean longways to expose the seeds and then sliced them in thirds.  Placed them in the bottle and put in a dark place.  I'd like to shake them everyday but sometimes I forget.  Store for a minimum of 3 months before use.  When it has that rich vanilla smell it is ready to use.  It gets better the longer it sits.  I leave the beans in the bottle as I use it.  I shake it up before I measure out so I get those tiny vanilla seeds in my buttercream or cake or whatever I'm doing.  If you don't want the seeds then don't shake it -- they settle at the bottom. 


I don't know anyone in Mexico. We were their in March, but we had been 2 yrs. ago and I still had 2 bottles of vanilla in my fruit cellar I purchased then from the duty free. I know what you mean about Golda's. I think the website is more lethal as you can order with the click of your mouse! I don't go to Golda's that often. I usually have a couple of items, I run in and get them then go. I wish I could get them here in Burlington, but I can't. If I have time, I sometimes scoot over to McCalls warehouse. It is not too far away on Frewar Rd.  Where abouts are you in Ont Hope?  By the way, I love your name. So pretty.
Hope Schaeffer said:

I have never been there I think it would be a bad idea for me to go, impulses shopper when it comes to cake stuff.  And Yes I am Canadian from ON.  Do you know someone in Mexico who sends it to you?  I will defiantly try to half the brown vanilla and see how it goes I just use the brown vanilla form Costco.

I am not sure I can purchase madagascar beans here where I live. They do have vanilla beans at my local bulk barn, but there sure not cheap. Now I have seen vanilla beans at Costo, but honestly, I never really looked to see where they are from. I tried to make my own cherry extract from instructions on the web. According to the instructions, after settling & straining it was to be clear. Alas, this did not happen as it still has a pinkish hue.

I was going to use it in my fondant & bc icing for flavor, but I certainly don't want my white fondant/icing pink. If I am colouring my fondant/icing then I can use it. It is really hard to find colourless flavorings/extracts around here. I either have to drive into a decorating warehouse, and when I do, they are often times out of what I want, or order on the web. The good selections on the web are American sites, and it is pricey to ship.
Deah said:

I just started 2 bottles of vanilla.  I use Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans and a mid-grade vodka (Smirnoff Double Distilled - Red Label for me but you can use any brand just don't go cheap).

I purchased the 1.75liter bottle of vodka.  Sliced 18 vanilla bean longways to expose the seeds and then sliced them in thirds.  Placed them in the bottle and put in a dark place.  I'd like to shake them everyday but sometimes I forget.  Store for a minimum of 3 months before use.  When it has that rich vanilla smell it is ready to use.  It gets better the longer it sits.  I leave the beans in the bottle as I use it.  I shake it up before I measure out so I get those tiny vanilla seeds in my buttercream or cake or whatever I'm doing.  If you don't want the seeds then don't shake it -- they settle at the bottom. 


Welland, On...I am about 20 minutes away form the falls.  When I shop on there online I just go in a click on what I need I do not even look at anything else (But I do always seem to buy something that I do not particularly need, but I have the chance to walk away and think about it).  I did not know that that McCalls had a warehouse out there, maybe one day I will have to take a day trip.  I fully agree with you about shipping from the states it is outrageous.  Just a thought we have the Micheals store hear in Canada but from their website they will not ship to like it really matters I just think it is funny.

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