Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I had an order for cupcakes for a little boy's birthday this past weekend.  The customer wanted 24 cupcakes (1 dozen yellow, 1 dozen chocolate).  I charged her $1.25 each or $15 per dozen.  I made all the batters from scratch as well as the buttercream icing (which is mostly butter).  My husband said he thought I charged too much.  She knew going in what the price would be.

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I see now that cupcake shops around where I live are getting about $3.00 each for cupcakes.  I'm doing a wedding in May and that's what I'll be charging for the cupcakes.  The bride chose three different cupcake flavors with two different filling.
I just quoted a cake, and the customer nearly fainted. She wanted a life size jack Russell terrier on his pillow/bed. Carved and color correct to look just like her dog. I thought I was under pricing this at $250.00 because I knew this was gonna be a major project, but was doing it as an "advertising" gesture because she is well connected in community. Have I screwed up? Or was I justified in pricing.

You're kidding right? You doubt your pricing? Get serious girlfriend. $250 is a bargain and should have been more.  A cake like that would easily go for $600 -$1000 eleswhere. You think Charm City Cakes would charge less than $1000 for that?

You have to price for what the market will bear. Which basically means although you could charge $600 in the city, in a small town (where wages aren't as high and people aren't exposed to a lot of stores charging higher prices for cakes) you have to adjust it.


Stick with you quote! You did the right thing.

Melinda King said:

I just quoted a cake, and the customer nearly fainted. She wanted a life size jack Russell terrier on his pillow/bed. Carved and color correct to look just like her dog. I thought I was under pricing this at $250.00 because I knew this was gonna be a major project, but was doing it as an "advertising" gesture because she is well connected in community. Have I screwed up? Or was I justified in pricing.
Thanks, I thought that was cheap, trying to get my name out there but I can't give e
Them away, lol. There are very few places around here other than big box stores that do cakes.
WOW, I have been reading over everyones comments on pricing and it is very confusing.....I did come across a website purely on accident looking for the Cake Boss and ended up on a site called Cakeboss...I have recently found myself getting more cake orders thanks to my postings on my Facebook page of just cakes and desserts I have been making for no cost to them.....I think my first paying customer I made a sheet cake for a graduation and only charged $25....I know cheap    I think I lost money on that one..but I am now getting aske dto do wedding cakes  which is my dream to do....I am scared but anxious to start....baking for me is purely a stress my real profession I am a hair dresser and it took me a while to charge what I am worth and so now I am thinking the same with my cakes....even though I am not as experienced decorating cakes as I am doing hair but it is also my time and my willingness to do my very last comment to the cupcakes I charged $18 for a Doz. they were a little more than basic ( colored batter and colored buttercream plus I made fondant decorations for each and sprinkles) I did fill the box up (16 cupcakes) and the client gave me $20 I did deliver them ......

Here in the Cayman Islands Cupcakes Stores are charging as much as $29 CI which is equivalent to $24.36 US for a dozen cupcakes. 


If it is just your basic cupcakes with basic icing color and some sprinkles then I say a perfect guide is $1.25 to $1.50 but if you are going to get fancy and put on fondant toppers or additional topping then you have got to charge accordingly.


I charge $30 for 24 for the basic.

That was funny...."I just quoted a cake and the customer nearly fainted"'s amazing how they "seem" to do that...I just had one the other day who gasped all the air between the two of us.  And get was just for a small mini bundt cake. 

Melinda King said:
I just quoted a cake, and the customer nearly fainted. She wanted a life size jack Russell terrier on his pillow/bed. Carved and color correct to look just like her dog. I thought I was under pricing this at $250.00 because I knew this was gonna be a major project, but was doing it as an "advertising" gesture because she is well connected in community. Have I screwed up? Or was I justified in pricing.
that 7 minute frosting sounds interesting...I may need to try long does it take to make?  do tell...xoxo

sweetstellacakes said:
I charge $22 for a dozen cupcakes. They are beautifully packaged and delivered. I can barely keep up with the demand! Never apologize for what you charge. If you are worth it, word gets around. I use organic eggs and butter, Callebaut chocolate and Nielsen Massey vanilla. If you don't think you can taste the difference - you're wrong! Also - a saving money tip - instead of buttercream, have you ever tried 7-minute frosting? Granulated sugar is much cheaper than 10X and we're talking 2 C sug. and 2 egg whites for about 10 cups of frosting. And people adore it! Takes color beautifully too. And guess how long it takes to make???!!!

I was there in Dec.  Yes, overpriced.  It was my birthday and I asked for a free one and he couldn't give me one.  I tried!  LOL
Stampinsher said:

There is a CupCake store in Las Vegas, actually in the Monte Carlo. You want to talk about expensive! They aren't even really decorated either - just different cupcakes with frosting and color. I didn't buy one! You did just fine in pricing as long as you made a profit for the time and expense of what you did. If you find that you broke out even, perhaps you should recalculate to make more of a profit. Good luck!
I would love your price list please.

Jennifer Carter said:
As I started thinking about actually making money for cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc., I did A LOT of research online regarding pricing. I then based my price list off of what I found. I charge $15.00 for 12 cupcakes and $25.00 for 24. That seemed to be about average. If you would like to see my price list, email me and I will send it to you individually. :)

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