Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Anyone has trouble using the machine?

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I didn't have great success with the photofrost sheets.  They slid around on the backing and tore when cutting.  Is there a trick to keeping them on the backing?

Check out this beautiful cake Chef Mike Terry made using Icing Images Premium Icing Sheets, iiDesigns and the Cricut!

if air got into the bag they may have some off of the backing, all you need to do is place a damp paper towel the bag with the icing sheets (underneath them) overnight or as long as you can (no more than 24 hours) they will rehydrate.  The tearing could be caused by the blade height or pressure.  which can be adjusted on the machine accordingly

Glenda Hughes said:

I didn't have great success with the photofrost sheets.  They slid around on the backing and tore when cutting.  Is there a trick to keeping them on the backing?

They were actually a little loose on the backing when I received them.  I used the same pressure and height adjustment I used with the icingimages premium sheets.  The tearing was from them moving around and not sticking to the backing.

Hi Glenda!  Glad to hear of your success.  How did you like the flavor of our icing sheets?

Our Premium Icing Sheets are very popular for the flexiblity.  These are the same icing sheets that are used in our Premium Scrapbook sheets.  The picture below has a pattern printed using our Gold Label inks. It is because of their flexibilty that they are able to hold up to the electronic cutters so well 


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