Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone,

Ive spent hours looking at nozzels today and the more i look, the more im getting confused !


Ive noticed that they all have numbers and letters. Are these standard ?

I have 6 nozzels at the moment that was a set, they have numbers and letters on them.

I bought an extra one a ' closed star rose swirl' to do the pretty ' open rose' look on some cupcakes.

Although, i think i bought the wrong one. I have tried it and i cant do it !  It just looks a mess so i cried and gave up :-(

I dont know what im doing wrong? Is it my buttercream or me ?!!


I would love to be able to do this! But also i need a large one for this giant cupcake.

Does it need to be a particular one, like ' open star'  or 'closed star' ?

I dont know which would look best on a giant cupcake?


Thank you for any help

A very confused



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lol June - don't we just?  Today I seem to have lost the ability to frill the edges of my petals!  I'm making the poinsettias for the chocolate logs and they keep tearing on me -  wth?  Probably just trying to rush as I've just been told that my husband intends to paint the whole downstairs of the house in time for Christmas.  Went into panic mode for a minute - so much else for me to do.................

Oh my Katy

Only been up for about 45 min.... still having my morning java..... can't think about piping right now..... Hee Hee!

Unfortunately, I have lots of bad days when decorating. I normally just cover my mistakes with icing flowers. I am not a professional and I am just learning!!! I have looked at a lot of videos trying to learn  and some days I feel hopeless but I continue on. I think my hardest part was trying to level out the cakes and then smoothing out the icing!!! I can only pray that with practice and more practice that one day I will make a half way decent cake. I only do cakes for a few neighbor kids and a few in my family so I am no expert by any means!!!! Here is another site that is my favorite  When you go to her site you will see videos. Click on them and she shows you videos of her techniques of just about anything you need to know. Just wish my cakes looked like hers!!! Hang in there everyone and "Own the cake".

Another great link Mary thanks.  The thing I like about this sort of person is, she is not perfect.  Her hand wobbles like mine does and her cakes are sometimes a bit wonky - but they still come out looking lovely.

Lis - sorry we seem to have taken over your post (we do that sometimes lol - just go off at a tangent)!

Thanks for all the replies everyone. Sorry ive not been about. Sorry for my spelling im so drained !


Yesterday we had a serious scare with grandad. We came seriously close to loosing him. He was on his way for an xray and they had to do emergency surgery. The surgeon told grandad and us that if they dont he will die, if they do, he may well not wake up from it. A catch 22 .


Apart from  COPD, hes got a leaky heart too and was rushed in with a gall stone prob last fri.

Hes been in since and on morphine etc, and very ' poorly' as we were repeatedly told. We sat for an hour and a half prying that he came though. We had a call to go in asap as they couldnt control his heart rate,They put a drip directly into his neck for the GTN or GNT cant remember wich way round it is LOL it was racing. We rush down and none of us prepared for what we saw. 3 times i held back the tears holding his hand in (He was not really aware of who we were or that we were even there)HDU and the 4th i couldnt.

They took us into a room and explained everything. We had to stop thinking of ourselves and think about what was best for him. All the tubes an macheins were scary.  We didnt stay too long and i came home, well i went to a friends as bf wasnt home from work at the time.

My bf said i think you need to go back. I thought can i do this,.on my own? The thought of him being there on his own, i couldnt  remember him like that. If anything happend i just couldnt. I didnt want him going with no one there with him.

So i went back for the last 20mins of visiting time. He was asleep and i just sat and held his hand and watched him. Watched the machiens etc. I was fine with it. It wasnt scary this time. Bf said ignore the mechiens,they are there to help him.


Grandad is special to me, he's more like a dad. He bought me up from an early age. The only time he opened his eyes,they were yellow and glazed, starring at the celling, compleatly out of it. It was prob a good thing him not being aware of whats going on. He also had an infection and it was a case of waiting to see if there was enough fight left in his suddenly frail body to fight.

I reluctanly left feeling so glad that i had just thoes 20 mins with him alone. I lay awake all night praying for the phone not to ring an looked at the clock every 30mins!


The phone did not ring. I phoned the hospital this morning and had the shock of my life. I had to ask if we were talking about the same person. The staff nurse said they cant really belive it. He had tried pulling out the drips etc while we were there and got very frustated. He did this in the night,but it wasnt an important one so they took it out and he calmed down.

When i phoned earlier, she said we are shocked and so pleased.  Hes sat up, having a cuppa and had a shave this morning !!! And will be out of HDU within the hour!!!!


He will have to have other intervention at some point, hes got to get over this. The stent isnt for long term. They did tell me, hes been thought alot at the moment .


So im sorry i havent replied till now,i wasnt being rude :-) but feeling much better and just waiting to crash out lol


Thank you so much for all your replies

Lis xx

Lisa I'm glad you feel you can share all this with us.  I have a lump in my throat for you.  I never had a grandad, but went through similar process with my Dad, who I loved more than anyone in the world.

Your gdad sounds like one tough cookie and my kind of man.  

Sending my thoughts to you and him - you did right to be there, you would never have forgiven yourself if you hadn't and things hadn't turned out so well.  May he continue to get better.


Thank you so much Katy.

Im sorry for blurting it all out i prob shouldnt of, but i didnt want any of you thinking i was being rude or anything thing with not replying to all of your posts! And i was going to do a trial run of the cake too ! lol


I did think yesterday,no,this cant happen hes got to see this cake !! LOL

On fri when he was rushed in, he was infact supposed to have his eye op so he could see better. This is the 4th time its had to be cancelled because hes been takin into hospital ! All he kept saying to the paramedics was ' oh no, i cant go into hospital, im having my eyes done today im going to be able to see better' !! Bless him.


I absolutly whacked right now! but I AM going to make some buttercream !!!!!


Thanks again Katy




Sorry Lisa about your gdad.  Nursed both my Mom & Dad.... Mom, back & forth @ hospital & then my sis's where she died... spent a lot of time with my Dad last 3 yrs of his life. I could just cry as reading this brings the memories flooding back.  Enjoy your gdad, and take each day as it comes, don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough worries of it's own.

Have a break and throw yourself into some decorating..... :o)


Thank you sweerheart. Im sorry. Im just making a batch of bc now ! x

Good... decorate, have some fun to take your mind off for a wee while......  :o)

Hi everyone, ive tried again, hope this is a little better ! ..Lis


Perfecto Lisa!!!!!!   See..... practice makes perfect.... :o)

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