Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone,

Ive spent hours looking at nozzels today and the more i look, the more im getting confused !


Ive noticed that they all have numbers and letters. Are these standard ?

I have 6 nozzels at the moment that was a set, they have numbers and letters on them.

I bought an extra one a ' closed star rose swirl' to do the pretty ' open rose' look on some cupcakes.

Although, i think i bought the wrong one. I have tried it and i cant do it !  It just looks a mess so i cried and gave up :-(

I dont know what im doing wrong? Is it my buttercream or me ?!!


I would love to be able to do this! But also i need a large one for this giant cupcake.

Does it need to be a particular one, like ' open star'  or 'closed star' ?

I dont know which would look best on a giant cupcake?


Thank you for any help

A very confused



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Thanks June, my nan always did it by hand !! No electric anything !

I just dont know how im going to mix a huge batch of butter cream, let alone a huge cake mix lol

I do know my kitchen looks like its been snowing in there !

I didnt use any milk or water today,thought it might help.

My family were in the catering business before i was born, wish i had of paid more attention with things like this. Probably doesnt help that i dont like butter cream !!


Thanks for the help,

 Lisa :-)

Well I started off with a very small hand mixer. I just had to make 3-4 batches at a time. I would make say 2 batches one day, 2 the next, so I wouldn't get tired out doing everything on the same day. Then refridgerate the icing. I still do make all my elements over several days. Gone are the days where I can do it all in one day. Ole body can't take it.

Thanks June, i dont know yet how much the giant cupcake mould is going to need, it should of been delivered today.Hopefully it will be here tomorow. The normal size cupcakes will be fine to do, theres only 12 of them.

Its the big one im going to have a problem with lol


Thanks again


I am pretty sure my giant cupcake took 1 batch of icing, which was 4 cups. By using the party bag as the cupcake holder/paper you save quite a bit of icing. :0)

Hey Lis - don't know if you would be interested in this?  Probably too late for you now, but looks good and is not a bad price.

That is good price! Thanks Katy ;-) 

Well, ive been doing buttercream darn all morning and im still having the same problem. In fact, its worse!!

I think, however ive sussed what it is and  I'TS NOT ME !! HA !

From what i can make out,thanks to your help ;-) Its the eletric mixer. I did exactly as you said, but because ( i think ) im having to mix it for longer with the electric mixer, its getting too warm and thus literrally melting the Stork.  It got to a stage where i had to give the mixer a break as it was over heating ! I felt the bowl and it was warm too.


Do you think that this could be the prob ?

Thanks Katy




Maybe, maybe.  Hand mixers do get warm if they're worked too long so your beaters are going to be warm too, which will transfer into the icing.  Hell, that gives you an issue doesn't it.  

OK, I suspect you are probably quite young, so have plenty of strength and energy?  Just try doing it by hand.  You won't get quite as light a mixture, but you will get butter icing - I have done it by hand plenty of times for tiny quantities.  Use something like a plastic spatula and beat it.  You'll have to start off slow so the icing sugar doesn't snow all over the place, but once it's all mixed in, just give it the thrashing of it's life.  If this works, then yes it is a mixer problem.

Lisa said:

That is good price! Thanks Katy ;-) 

Well, ive been doing buttercream darn all morning and im still having the same problem. In fact, its worse!!

I think, however ive sussed what it is and  I'TS NOT ME !! HA !

From what i can make out,thanks to your help ;-) Its the eletric mixer. I did exactly as you said, but because ( i think ) im having to mix it for longer with the electric mixer, its getting too warm and thus literrally melting the Stork.  It got to a stage where i had to give the mixer a break as it was over heating ! I felt the bowl and it was warm too.


Do you think that this could be the prob ?

Thanks Katy




Thanks Katy, i will give it a go, and i wish i was young ! Ha The big 40 next year ( wont be making myself a cake for that one, i can tell you !)

I do have weak wrists, docs think it maybe C T S But i will give it a try. Im not going to be ' beaten ' ! buy a bowl of darn buttercream !!!


Thanks again

Lis x

You know what - when all else fails, buy a tub of Betty Crocker frosting and add melted white chocolate to it.

I think I remember being 40 once.........................

Lisa said:

Thanks Katy, i will give it a go, and i wish i was young ! Ha The big 40 next year ( wont be making myself a cake for that one, i can tell you !)

I do have weak wrists, docs think it maybe C T S But i will give it a try. Im not going to be ' beaten ' ! buy a bowl of darn buttercream !!!


Thanks again

Lis x

This is the exact same cupcake decorating kit I got from Wilton when I had to make 150 for a wedding. Still use all the tips today. Plus it came with a little booklet with different techniques.  Money well spent.  :o)
Katy Nott said:

Hey Lis - don't know if you would be interested in this?  Probably too late for you now, but looks good and is not a bad price.

40..... Ha Ha....  what's that, eh Katy?????  Won't speak for Katy.... ahem......  but Iv'e got 20 yrs on you.  Hey Lisa, in a pinch, I have bought pre-made  icing from the grocery store, like Betty Crocker,  and just doctored with flavoring & stiffend up with icing sugar. You do what ya gotta do.   And as Katy & I said, you can make several small batches by hand.  It does sound like your mixmaster might be the culprit, that heat will transfer.... and your right Lisa, it will soften your shortening.

Ha ! Thanks you two !

I had thought of buying it but i just wanted it to be perfect, you know what i mean.

Ive just gone and bought 2 more boxes of icing sugar ( think im gonna need them ! ) Another tub of Stork plus a cheap block of butter. I nipped into my local charity shop, they had every kitchen appliance you could name, but not what i need !! ( typical for me lol )


The only thing that ha cheered me up is that the giant cupcake mould has turned up an the cake display.

It say on the instrction about using a box mix ?!

If i pull this off, im gonna treat myself to something,that is, if i have any money left lol


Thank you


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