Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi there

I am looking for a nice recipe for a black forest cake and also I would like to know if it is possible to cover the cake in fondant.  I know whipped cream and fondant won't work so I need some ideas and help with this.

Is there anyone who has done this kind of thing before.  The client wants a black forest cake covered in fondant and also wants Tom & Jerry cake toppers.



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Hi Corni.  Well, as you say, covering a bfg in fondant is not a true version.  However, there are one or two things you can do to make it as close as possible.  (BFG = Black Forest Gateau).

1.  Replace the whipped cream inside the cake with vanilla butter cream - make sure it's really whipped up to a very light, fluffy consistency)

2.  Don't put cream or buttercream in the middle, but just lots of a really good black cherry conserve or black cherry pie filling.  You will need to have your cake really, really chilled to keep the filling as firm as possible while you fondant cover it or it will ooze everywhere.  This could then be served with whipped cream on the side to give the bfg taste.

Any good chocolate cake recipe will do for your cake.  When I make an ordinary bfg, I use a fatless genoa sponge type cake, but this may not be firm enough to stand up to the fondant over it.  So you could use a fudge cake recipe instead and soak it with a little Kirsch.  

Hi Katy

Thank you so much for your input.  I was looking around for a nice recipe as this will be the first BFC I am attempting to make but not 100% sure which one will be the best.  I have a specific chocolate cake sponge mix I always use, it has never let me down, its delicious and moist.  Do you think I can use this sponge mix and just add the cream cherries and other things that needs to be added?

Do you perhaps have a nice recipe or ideas to add on to the cake to make it a BFC?

Another thing while i was searching the net - I got this idea to make the inside as a normal BFC and for the cream on the outside.........color the cream red and make it as smooth as possible - what do you think?  And then for the cake toppers, make it out of chocolate.....

Corni, if you have a chocolate cake mix that never lets you down - use it!  Much better to use tried and tested than experiment and get it wrong haha!

Personally, I wouldn't colour the cream red, no.  But that's just my personal taste.  I think it would be better to keep it it's natural colour and either top it with pitted black cherries (which I assume you can buy in a tin where you are), or you could make cherries from fondant.  This is what I did for this cake I made -

Cake toppers out of chocolate would be perfect!

by the way, I found this tutorial for Jerry Mouse.  Don't know if you needed anything like this?

Wow, thanks for the links Katy! they are so nice!

welcome - have fun!

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