Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

My cake was made with Fondant Gumpaste, wires, wood sticks and rice krispy treats...

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Hi Sherry, I just happened upon your post a few minutes ago, and noted that your cake for the contest was posted here in this forum instead of where it was supposed to be. Unfortunately your cake did not get placed into the contest because it was posted here and was missed by the CWB system. It was so well done too! I am so sorry you missed it being in the contest. For future contests, your cake must be submitted in the proper place in order for the system of this site to be able to find it when searching for it. I was just asked to be a moderator just recently because there has been a shortage of moderators of late, and I'm sure it was just a slip-up due to other overworked moderators that your cake post did not get found. Just too much to keep track of with a shortage of helpers. Please don't be discouraged from ever entering again. I'll give you the steps here so when next contest comes around, you will know exactly what to do: When you post your picture for a contest, the easiest way for me to do it, is to go to the HOME page of CWB and look for the typewrite that says: ADD CONTENT. Click onto that, and a menu will come down with different options. Choose: PHOTO and that is where you can add the picture of your choice. Once your picture is added, then you can also add a title and tags to that photo with the number of that particular contest. Each contest has a different number assigned to it to keep them straight. Your animals look amazing! You did an excellent job on them. Don't give up on the site. It's still young (2 years old) and Terry, the owner is trying to get even more sponsors for more contests, so hang in there with us. From what I have seen so far, there has been a contest every month, so you will have another opportunity.

((hugs)) Linda

Sherry, since you did enter it on time, you might ask Eileen S if it can still go into the contest.

Sherry and Linda - I hate to be a stickler on this, but the photos need to be uploaded in the photos section  by the deadline.  It was stated that way several times in various forums about the contest, as well as on the contest rules on the front page (it says "add the photo to your profile", not "start a forum with your photo").  Plus, there's no way for me to feature that photo as it's location is off-site, and if she uploads it now it will have a date/time stamp after the entry deadline and others whose photos were time stamped even 3 minutes after the deadline passed were rejected.  I'm really sorry, Sherry!!

Eileen, I understand. I know you have spent hours doing the photos as it is. As a new moderator, I wasn't sure.

Eileen S said:

Sherry and Linda - I hate to be a stickler on this, but the photos need to be uploaded in the photos section  by the deadline.  It was stated that way several times in various forums about the contest, as well as on the contest rules on the front page (it says "add the photo to your profile", not "start a forum with your photo").  Plus, there's no way for me to feature that photo as it's location is off-site, and if she uploads it now it will have a date/time stamp after the entry deadline and others whose photos were time stamped even 3 minutes after the deadline passed were rejected.  I'm really sorry, Sherry!!

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