Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

my name is Lana, and i am relitivly new to cake decorating but so far i LOOOOOOVE it =)

and i would greatly appriciate some advice from some amazing decorators =)


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Lana, we are glad you are here.  Please check out the forums, you will find tons of information.
I find that if you start with the star tip you can do lots of great designs, it is easy and very versatile.
Decorating is the fun part, but it is still cake and should taste great. 
Welcome to this crazy world!  Be sure to check out the video section... lots of help there!

Most hobby stores offer the Wilton decorating classes.

A great starting place for learning to crumb coat, smoothing  and piping.

Beware of the temptation to purchase alot of "toys" in the deco aisle!

Compare the store pricing with Walmart or a cake deco supply store.

The most important thing is to relax and take your time!

You will not master everything the first time!

Practice, practice, practice!


I am excited for you!



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