Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi Ladies and Gents I need your expertise advice I'm trying to figure out on how to charge for the cakes I usually charge by the tools I need to make the cake but now that I make my own fondant half of the time I don't know what to charge and I have some of those customers who feel because they know me they shouldn't pay over 40 bucks I laugh at those customers though because I take business as business ladies can you pleeeeaaaassseee can me some advice on how to charge...

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Everyone had their own formula but you must know how much the cake actually costs you - ingredients, electricity, special tools, etc.  Then, you need to account for your time and determine a proper rate of pay for your efforts.  You also need to consider overhead costs like insurance, rent, etc. 


Don't short change yourself on your time.  If you are giving up an evening with the family you need to make it worth your sacrifice.



That's the best advice ever and that's how I do feel I should price a lot people say well oh well its just making cake this is very time consuming people are very inconsiderate to what it takes but thank you so much for the advice..Lol some days I feel like I'm back in the Police Academy working lol
If people don't want to pay your price they are welcome to run over to the local grocery and pick up a cake there.  After all "it's just a cake"  LOL!
Exactly and that's my motto that I used...And they have to remember walmart doesn't do homemade lol

I made a 2 tiers Christening cake with rapsberry white chocolate mousse between the layers, covered with fondant. I've called a pastry shop and ask for the same thing. The lady told me that they only put butter cream between the layers or she could put a bit of rapsberry jam...I was really surprise to ear that, they do wedding cake for god sake! But she told me $4,50cdn per person. So the cake I made was $90 (without the mousse) and I charge $65...

You can be sure I'll charge more next time.

I have don't that a quite few times myself my husband always tells my to charge more I guess I'm a lil under confident with the pricing because I am just starting off but my end results always amazes me and than I'll be mad at myself for not charging more for instance I did an pregnant belly cake my friend owns a shop out here and she too only uses butter cream in her shop so confusing to me because I would explore with different flavors any who she told me I should've charged about 80 to 90 bucks when I only charged 45 I guess I'm going to have to stop second guessing myself..

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