Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hello CWB Family ~ I took over 560 photos at the Convention. If you wish to see them, please go to my facebook page (Diana Viera) and you will find two albums there. There were so many photos to choose from that I couldn't post all of them but most are there.

It was an awesome experience! If you have never attending one of their events, you really should try. Next year it will be held in Reno, NV. I met lots of people and made tons of friends. I may have even met some of you without knowing. I have also posted a picture of myself with Theresa on this site.

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Hi Diana! I just requested you to add me on fb.  Just wanted to let you know that I'm not some random weirdo! lol  Wanted to see the pictures.
Hi Jen ~ Sorry, I was taking a nap (something I never do but had to because I'm still tired from the trip.)  I will accept you now.  Thanks for asking.  ~ D

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